1 min read



tree 7

It is actually surprisingly easy to measure how long it takes to download a file with PowerShell. Let’s look at an example: My internet speed is according to speedtest.net around 4.2 Mbps (megabits/second). If I would like to know how long it takes me to download a file of 1GB I can use a simple one liner: [code language=”powershell”] [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds(1GB/(4.2/8*1MB)) [/code] How does that actually work?

  1. Divide the size of the files in bytes (1GB/)

  2. by the download speed/second in bytes (*1MB). First converting Mb into MB (4.2/8)

  3. The results is the time it takes to download the specified size in decimal seconds

  4. The result is used to create a new TimeSpan object (around 32 minutes to download 1GB on my PC)

It doesn’t take much more effort to turn this into a re-usable function: [code language=”powershell”] function Get-DownloadTime($SizeInBytes,$SpeedInMbps,[switch]$AsTimeSpan){ $ts = [TimeSpan]::FromSeconds($SizeInBytes/($SpeedInMbps/8*1MB)) if ($AsTimeSpan){ $ts } else{ $ts.ToString(‘hh:mm:ss’) } } #usage Get-DownloadTime 1GB 4.2 Get-DownloadTime 1GB 4.2 -AsTimeSpan [/code] The function takes the size in bytes and the speed in Mbps and returns by default the time in the format “hh:mm:ss” or the TimeSpan object when used with the -AsTimeSpan switch. More details on the TimeSpan format specifiers can be found here.


photo credit: Pine Forest Colorful Tree via photopin (license)