1 min read




I came across a bug (at least I would assume this a bug) in PowerShell while using the Select-Object (alias select) cmdlet in conjunction with a mix of literal and variable arguments for the Property parameter (attempting to use Get-ChangeLog with a multiple column identifier). Select-Object’s Property parameter accepts either an array of objects, or a hashtable of name/expression pairs as arguments. Let’s look at an example: [code language=”powershell”] Get-Help select -Parameter Property #usage with literal argument Get-Process | select Name, ID, Handle, VM, PM #usage with a variable argument $props = “Name”, “ID”, “Handle” Get-Process | select $props #mixed usage of literal and a variable argument Get-Process | select $props, VM, PM [/code]

The last command results into the following error message: select_Error Even if we change the literal values to strings and put the arguments in parentheses Select-Object still refuses to accept it: [code language=”powershell”] $props = “Name”, “ID”, “Handle” #check the type of the parameter value ($props, “VM”, “PM”).GetType().FullName #should work, but still doesn’t Get-Process | select ($props, “VM”, “PM”) [/code] I found two possible workarounds.

  1. Concatenation of the values

  2. Using Write-Output (alias echo) to produce an array of strings (I like that one more)

See also PowerShell tricks- Build an array of strings without quotation marks [code language=”powershell”] #concatenate $props = echo Name ID Handle Get-Process | select ($props + “VM” + “PM”) #using echo Get-Process | select (echo $props VM PM) [/code]


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