The Show-Command cmdlet has been introduced in PowerShell Version 3 and is very useful to help discovering and learning more about PowerShell cmdlets and their respective parameters (also built into the ISE as the Show-Command Add-on).:
[code language=”powershell”]
#Discover commands by running Show-Command without parameters
#Run Show-Command for a specific cmdlet
Show-Command Get-ChildItem
Show-Command can be also utilized for your own functions in order to provide your users with a simple GUI as it builds a graphical user interface for the provided function on the fly. Show-Command displays:
A drop-down for parameters that use the ValidateSet option
A check-box for switch parameters
A text box for any other type of parameter
An asterisk behind the parameter name in case the parameter is mandatory (the mandatory parameters are also enforced by disabling the run/copy buttons until the mandatory parameter is provided)
Each parameter set is displayed on a separate tab
Below is an example showing the features mentioned above using the NoCommonParameter switch to hide those parameters and PassThru in combination with Invoke-Expression in order to run the function with the chosen parameters (I couldn’t get this working otherwise):
Limitations of this approach are:
No enforcement for any other advanced function parameter option (e.g. ValidatePattern). The error message is displayed on the command prompt after clicking Run.
No option to disable/change the built-in functionality (e.g. disable buttons at the bottom, change minimum height)
No sophisticated options for specific parameter types (e.g. browse for files)
What are the GUI options you like to you use for your functions?
Update: I’ve added a follow-up post with a new function that removes the disadvantages mentioned above
Photo Credit: Sun Spiral via Compfight cc