After my last post (PowerShell tricks - Use Show-Command to add a simple GUI to your functions). I was thinking how one could write a function that would not have the deficiencies that Show-Command has when it comes to providing a GUI for functions. In addition to what Show-Command does I wanted a function that:
Considers advanced function parameters (i.e. ValidateScript, ValidatePattern, ValidateRange, ValideLength)
Populates the fields with the respective default values (if applicable)
Provides a browse for file or browse for folder option (if the parameter name contains ‘file’ or ‘folder’)
Provides meaningful error messages via message boxes
Doesn’t require the use of Invoke-Expression in order to run the parameters against the command
Can be customized to my own preferences
Say hello to Show-CommandGUI.
The screenshot above is produced with the following test function:
[code language=”powershell”]
function test{
[ValidateSet(“sun”, “moon”, “earth”)]
[ValidateScript({$_ -like ‘*test’})]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName=’Advanced’)]
$filePath = ‘c:\test.txt’,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName=’Basic’)]
$folderPath = ‘c:'
“pattern: $pattern”
“number: $number”
“string: $string”
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq ‘Advanced’){
“switch: $switch”
“filePath: $filePath”
“choice: $choice”
“folderPath: $folderPath”
Producing the GUI is as simple as this:
[code language=”powershell”]
Import-Module “$PATHTOMODULE\Show-CommandGUI.psm1”
Show-CommandGUI test
The module and the test function can be downloaded via GitHub. Please let me know if you have any questions or ideas on how to improve the function.
Photo Credit: Fernando X. Sanchez via Compfight cc