Control Split-Panes in Windows Terminal through PowerShell
In this post, I would like to introduce a PowerShell function to create new split-panes for the Windows Terminal.
Graph theory with PowerShell - part 2
This is part two of ‘Graph theory with PowerShell’, focussing on ‘Small World Graphs’, with PowerShell based on (Chapter 3) of the execellent book Think Complexity 2e by Allen B. Downey.
Extending PowerShell’s Compare-Object to handle custom classes and arrays
In this post I will walk you through the process of extending the the built-in Compare-Object cmdlet to support ‘deep’ comparison of custom objects, arrays, and classes.
Use PowerShell to monitor a folder and extract downloaded .zip files
Use PowerShell to monitor a download folder as a background task and smartly extract .zip files automatically as you download them.
Using PowerShell and RegEx to extract text between delimiters
In this post I will share a little PowerShell function that I use quite frequently in order to extract text between delimiters out of a bigger chunk of text. I hope that this can be useful to others too.
Jupyter PowerShell Notebooks based blogging
In this post I would like to share how one can use PowerShell Jupyter Notebooks with .Net interactive for blogging
Blogging with Jupyter Notebooks
With Notebooks, we can easily share prose, code, tables, charts, and more!
Python Pandas and Trading Stuff
Post displaying the various ways one can highlight code blocks with Jekyll. Some options include standard Markdown, GitHub Flavored Markdown, and Jekyll’s {% highlight %}